With some people good memories are created but things don’t work out at the end.
With others you try to make things work but it doesn’t work out at the end.
And the rest don’t care how much effort you’re putting since they also aren’t doing anything.
It’s time to forget. It’s time to delete, unfriend, remove.
You can pretend that one day they will see what they did was a mistake, but dreamy fairy tales about revenge and justice are just that, imaginary. Not to mention you live to prove those people wrong, you purpose of existence is them, nah.
It doesn’t matter what you do, it doesn’t matter what happens, the right thing is to forget - delete - unfollow - unfriend.
Remember, nobody is busy 100% of the time, it’s all about priorities.
You were advised to “see the good” in other people, where exactly is that?
You had the core belief that the beauty in life is other people, that got broken real quick didn’t it?
And so what’s left now?
The truth is that nobody hasn’t ever met all the people there are in the world, in the country, in the neighborhood even.
The trash has been thrown, the can is empty. Be careful, be skeptical, be competent.
Take the new without being affected by the old. But carry your learned lessons like coins. Maybe be that’s the currency of life, maybe that’s what they call “experience”.